Stories of Service


By: Ellie Bullard


From newbie to confident educator

Hnukusha(她/他们)将于2025年毕业,获得圣. Olaf College. 由于他们在“突破双城”担任美国服务队教学研究员的经历,他们将带着额外的信心进入职场, 为历史上代表性不足的学生和他们的家庭提供学术丰富和支持. In Breakthrough’s six-week summer program, 中学生选修像努库沙这样有抱负的老师设计的具有挑战性的课程.

I first heard about Breakthrough through my aunt, 他同时也是一名助教和教学教练. 我想,这听起来是一个尝试教学的好机会,这就是我申请的原因.

当你开始“突破”时,你对教学还是个新手. What was the process of learning to teach like?
I had not taken any education classes before. During Breakthrough’s orientation, 你会学到制定教案的基本知识:向学生解释什么, what we are learning, what the concept is or what the idea is.

他们请来了其他老师,以确保我们得到培训,了解我们作为助教的角色——我们是学生的导师, 成为他们的领导者,并给我们一个如何领导一个课堂的想法. 讲课和领导讲课是两件完全不同的事情! We talked about how to engage students, 如果我们需要在教室里重置,该怎么办, who can we reach out to, what are our tools? That was really helpful.

What courses did you teach?
第一个暑假,我教科学和一门视频制作选修课. 去年夏天,我教文学和舞蹈选修课. That was so much fun; I was more comfortable planning my lessons and making a unit plan. 舞蹈学生在闭幕庆典上表演(有点像夏末的表演)——他们很多人都很喜欢韩国流行音乐, so they danced to “Unforgiven” by Le Sserafim. I’m just so proud of them. They did a killer job.

在“突破”项目的两个夏天,我都不熟悉自己教的内容. 我真的很依赖我的教学教练和其他助教来帮助我建立课程. 如果没有他们,我不可能做到这么远,也不可能有效地吸引学生.

在学术和皇冠官方APP客户端方面取得重大突破. What was your experience of balancing those two?

我们想要挑战学生,而不是压垮他们——你想让他们享受自己的暑假,而不必为学业感到压力(学业不计分)。. There’s a lot of work on building community, relationships, communication, time management, listening, following directions, and collaboration with peers.

Just talking with students was a big thing I tried to do every day to build community; there was a crafts elective where we could sit down and work together and just chat. 另一件事是与其他教学人员和工作人员联系,确保也建立起这种联系. 我们能够建立这样一个社区,在那里我们可以这样说:“嘿,你好吗? Want to go grab lunch together later?” Or sometimes we’d go out together on weekends. So we take care of each other in that way. We help each other out.

通过在学生之间、老师和学生之间建立社区,你正在建立信任. 学生们会感到更安全,更愿意学习和犯错误, 这在你的朋友和同龄人面前并不容易——这是一个让你感到害怕和脆弱的地方. 当你们彼此信任时,一切都会变得更有趣——你们可以向对方寻求帮助, you joke around more, 你觉得你可以做你自己,没有人会评判你.

What was it like to teach middle school students?
Before going to Breakthrough, I was like, oh my goodness, 我从来都不能和中学生一起工作——我总是听说他们太吵闹了, 这是一个接一个的行为问题因为他们正在经历从小学到高中的过渡. 他们正在经历很多身体、情感和精神上的变化. 但是过了一个夏天,我就想,他们只是想学习! They’re growing! 我喜欢和突破团队一起工作的时光.

Yeah. My sophomore year before Breakthrough, I was a little rocky — I was like, can I actually be a teacher? Being at Breakthrough has solidified that yes, I do want to go into teaching, I want to work with students. 我想对别人的生活产生积极的影响. 我觉得这让我在心理上做好了准备——我不会被扔到教室前,不知道该做什么,也不知道如何控制自己.

我向所有对澳门皇冠国际官方APP客户端或对课堂感兴趣的人推荐这本书. 《皇冠官方APP客户端》教会了我很多关于我自己的东西——我如何与人合作, how I’m a leader, when to step back. 作为一名归国者,我觉得作为一名领导者和新助教的资源非常棒. 我真的很感激我们在所有教职员工之间建立的社区. It felt like we cared for each other.

Interested in serving with AmeriCorps? Check out Breakthrough Twin Cities and our other programs. If you’ve got questions, reach out to our recruitment team!

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